4-5 Montgomery County Past and Present
To request the kit for use in your classroom complete the online Reservation Form, the submitted form will be sent to director@montgomerymuseum.org
Lesson plans are now digital and available on-line through the museum website. Most activities have been re-envisioned in digital format and can be accessed without the physical kit. Some activities are only available with the kit.
Click for digital lesson plans: Teacher Lesson Plans
After using this kit, please complete a Teacher Evaluation Form and return it to the museum by email to Director@montgomerymuseum.org.
Montgomery County Past and Present focuses on how Montgomery County has changed over time.
Artifacts from the Montgomery Museum supporting collection as well as other materials created by museum staff will be used to learn more about Montgomery County.
Students will:
Analyze historic artifacts
Date historic photographs
Create museum exhibit using historic photographs
“Trek” through Montgomery County discovering historic locations
Learn about Montgomery County by using the 1850 census