300 Pepper St. Christiansburg, VA 24073

Museum Garden

Visit our events calendar for garden event information.

The gardens are open dawn to dusk: come anytime to walk in the garden, view the art, or eat lunch at the outdoor tables.

Located at:

Looking for something to do outdoors? Come on over to the Montgomery Museum Garden to help out!

There are set dates and times for garden worktimes. Please feel free to come by and help the Master Gardeners keep our garden healthy, beautiful, and ready for visitors. If the weather is below 40 degrees, rainy, or high winds, the worktimes are cancelled.

Lonicera sempervirens ‘Major Wheeler’

Why visit the Museum Garden?

  • A garden planted with many species to provide habitat for native flora and fauna.

  • A green space for people to walk, reflect, share a meal with family or friends.

  • A source of native plants for public projects in our area.

  • A place to learn about plants and their interactions especially with insects.

Phlox divaricata Wild Blue Phlox and Tiarella cordifolia Foamflower

Rudbeckia hirta

Come visit the garden!

Please park on the street, not on the driveway

  • Tables and benches are available for sharing a meal.

  • There are no restrooms.

  • Leashed dogs that leave nothing behind are welcome.

See our mention on the  Virginia Native Plant Society website!

The upper area of the garden was started in 1989 by the New River Valley Master Gardeners as a perennial/herb garden. The lower native garden was started by Beth Umberger in 2008 and blended into the upper garden.

Paths lead through the garden to different plant communities. The garden is still being developed and some beds have invasive plants that as they are removed are replaced with native plants. Many of the shrubs and trees planted are still young and have not reached their full potential. New species are being added each year. New paths are being established and steps will be built to the lower garden.

Historic bricks manufactured in Chilhowie, Virginia that were used for sidewalks in Christiansburg have been re-used to create a pathway in the upper garden.

Many community volunteers have helped to build and maintain the garden. Volunteers and donation of plants are the sole resource for the garden.

To volunteer contact Beth Umberger at Megachile300@gmail.com